
The data center and hosting industries are rapidly becoming some of the largest contributors of greenhouse gases on the planet. In fact, a recent study suggests that data centers may surpass airplane transport as sources of CO2 emissions by 2020.

When we decided to launch evaHost we wanted to make sure we’re doing all we can to reduce CO2 emissions, minimize our carbon footprint, and to help replace and rebuild diminishing resources. Our data center:

Virtualization, the basis of evaHost’s green hosting environments, uses far less energy by consolidating sites onto more efficient host machines, and ensures we’re running on modern, power-sipping machines. Our servers use only high-performance, low-voltage servers, reducing energy requirements and carbon emissions. The evaHost data center recycles 100 percent of all recyclable hardware components and meets or exceeds environmental requirements for the disposal of all non-recyclable, hazardous components. The data center contributes to reforestation projects at levels exceeding the overall draw of our server infrastructure by at least 10 percent.

Our design and management facility will be “Off-Grid” by mid-2015.

Our “Green Hosting Initiative” project is ongoing, as we continually seek to find new ways to reduce our carbon footprint and to maximize whatever positive impact we can have on the earth.